The risk you face though is once you start using your virtual hair style program will be there for some time to try lots of colors and styles than you probably would never think of anything to in the past. This is a safe way to be brave.
Some problems come from having your hair colored and are not satisfied with it. Then you end up having it too often repeated and the next thing you know that you have damaged hair. Virtual hair style place to stop it. Being such a color that your image is actually being displayed on you will get a real sense of what it would look like if you want to have it done.
It's just finding a style like the one in the picture you might see or find one there that you like best and then make it into your drawing to see how it will look. Then after you've done that, you can even change the color of it by choosing from color slides in this program and that will give you not only your style but also the perfect color for you too.